Pepper Cloud CRM

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Drive Sales with WhatsApp CRM

With Singapore’s best WhatsApp CRM, connect with your customers in real-time, respond to messages instantly, and convert every sales conversations into winning opportunities.

  • Auto-lead capture
  • Upto 50% PSG grant available
  • Broadcast messages to contacts
  • Local Singapore support 24*7

CRM with WhatsApp Integration

Avail up to 50% PSG grant

IMDA Pre-approved Solution Provider

SMEs are eligible for up to 50% Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) support for the adoption of Pepper Cloud CRM solution, a Pre-Approved Solution under the IMDA SMEs Go Digital programme.

Seamlessly manage and streamline your sales with WhatsApp CRM

  • Capture and convert leads automatically.
  • Send quick replies with message templates.
  • Blast promotional messages to multiple contacts.
  • Share videos, documents, and other media files.
  • Interact with customers through call-to-action buttons.
  • Assist customers with chatbots.
WhatsApp CRM Dashboard

Power up your business with WhatsApp CRM

  • 90%+
    Open rate
  • 70%+
    Deal closing rate
  • 60%
    More revenue generation
  • 20%
    More conversation rate

Book a Free Demo

*WhatsApp statistics from multiple sources

WhatsApp CRM WhatsApp Integration
Built to support all industries

Beauty salons

Beauty salons and Wellness centres use WhatsApp CRM to offer convenient appointment booking through WhatsApp, send auto-appointment reminders to reduce no-shows, broadcast promotional messages, and get instant customer feedback.

CRM for SMEs
Send auto reminder

Food delivery

Food delivery businesses use WhatsApp CRM to auto-send order confirmations and food delivery tracking links, respond to customer queries and resolve issues in real time, and learn about their customers' preferences with interactive polls.

CRM for food industry
Chat with customer with WhatsApp CRM

Travel agency

Travel agencies use WhatsApp CRM to send personalised tour packages, collect customer documents to book tickets, share travel itineraries, and blast out exciting promotional tour packages.

best crm for travel agency
Booking management with WhatsApp CRM

Best CRM tool with WhatsApp integration
trusted by many clients

Frequently asked questions

I’m an SME. How can WhatsApp CRM benefit us?

WhatsApp CRM system can be an effective sales tool for SMEs. With WhatsApp CRM, you can provide personalised customer service, streamline your sales process, and track all customer interactions in one place. With features such as message templates, automated replies, chatbots, tags, etc. you can save time and focus on growing your business.

Can I use my existing number for WhatsApp CRM?

Yes, you can use your existing number for WhatsApp in Pepper Cloud’s WhatsApp CRM.

Can all members of my team communicate with customers through one WhatsApp number?

Yes, WhatsApp CRM enables your entire team to chat with leads and customers from a single WhatsApp number.

How long does it take to set up WhatsApp for my business?

If you have all the prerequisites ready, you can start using WhatsApp through CRM within a few hours.

Does Pepper Cloud charge for WhatsApp messages sent through the CRM?

No, Pepper Cloud doesn’t charge for the messages. However, you may incur charges from WhatsApp. For more details, check out WhatsApp pricing.

What other channel integrations are available in the Pepper Cloud CRM system?

Pepper Cloud CRM is a multi-channel integrated platform that integrates with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and others.

Can I use the PSG grant to avail WhatsApp CRM?

Pepper Cloud CRM is an IMDA-approved digital solution and you can use your PSG grant to avail it. To learn more about the PSG application process, check out an ultimate guide to Productivity Solutions Grant(PSG).

Boost your sales with WhatsApp CRM

Pepper Cloud - Best WhatsApp CRM Software

#34-04, Tower 1, One Raffles Place, Singapore 048616

© Pepper Cloud - Singapore's Best WhatsApp CRM Software 2023